out of 10


Most Helpful
👍 Pros: there are always players online globally, so matching is pretty quick. There are plenty of characters to choose from and the game gives you plenty of trial characters. 👎 Cons: the graphics aren't as smooth as League of Legends 🕹️ Controls: pretty straight forward and easy to understand. 📖 Storyline: it has been seriously improved thanks to the single player rpg that came out to compete against AFK arena.
22K Views 11/25/2023
Overpriced, Imbalance, No ORIGINALITY
3.2K Views 01/25/2023
OVERPRICED and not worth it, higher tier skins are TOO MUCH FLASHY effects making team fights or clashing quite difficult to determine. IMBALANCE! no matter how good you are or fully equipped end game items if a SINGLE enemy is hiding they can easily kill you using a combo. NO ORIGINALITY! All the Character skills, skin design, splash art, game features ideas are originated from other MOBAs like DOTA & League of Legends PC/Mobile.
More then just a MOBA, Mobile legends: Bang Bang, a humble review.
12K Views 01/09/2024
Nobo Bengia
10 Views 11h
Just uninstalled this fucking game. Worst matchmaking ever. Enemy always good whereas I always get nup teammates. Because of that I couldn't even reached immortal. 1 match win and lost 5 match always. Fell from 88 to 73. Never ever gonna uninstall this game again. Spent too much money and time on it, but now I'll give it to some kid. Atleast give some pro player in team with overall good statistic. I advise everyone to uninstall it and play some other MOBA game. They have better matchmaking than this fucking mooneyton.
2K Views 08/06/2022
i am really very very happy that this Game got banned in India. Here if u have skin u r more powerful this literally s***s. The biggest problem is the matchmaking each  and everytime i get bots in my team total useless. Playing this game will make u frustrated so avoid it. 0/10 rating Also wish that the server get ban too in India.
13 Views 1d
As a League of Legends player who travels frequently, this is the ideal alternative for me. Having played since the first patch, I now lead my own clan with active, like-minded players. I'm thrilled that I can enjoy a MOBA on my phone anywhere in the world. 👍 Pros: I can play anywhere that has decent wifi 👎 Cons: I spend too much gifting my clan members 🎮 Gameplay: awesome graphics, user friendly 📖 Storyline: MBLL lore should be turned into a series
sasageyo attacktitan
349 Views 04/03/2024
## Farewell, Mobile Legends: A Love Lost to Frustration   For a long time, Mobile Legends was my go-to game. Every morning, afternoon, and evening, I would delve into the thrill of the MOBA battlefield. However, after a hiatus of several months, my return has been met with a disheartening reality. The game I once loved feels like a shadow of its former self.   Classic mode, which I frequently play during my free time recently, has become an exercise in frustration. Far too often, I find myself saddled with teammates who are either afk (away from the keyboard), intentionally feeding the enemy, or simply lack the basic skills necessary for competitive play. Conversely, the enemy teams consistently seem well-coordinated and possess a strong understanding of the game. This isn't a one-off occurrence; it's a pattern I've witnessed across a staggering 20 matches, with 18 of them plagued by the aforementioned issues.
282 Views 05/21/2024
Bang Bang (MLBB) is a popular mobile MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game that has captivated players worldwide. It offers a thrilling blend of fast-paced action, strategic decision-making, and a diverse roster of heroes. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a thrilling and accessible mobile MOBA experience. Its engaging gameplay, diverse hero roster, and constant updates make it a compelling choice for players seeking a competitive and fast-paced adventure. However, its pay-to-win elements and occasional toxicity can be off-putting for some. Ultimately, whether MLBB is for you depends on your tolerance for these drawbacks and your desire for a mobile MOBA experience.
Ian Ybañez
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang has been a source of joy for me since 2024. The dynamic gameplay, constant updates, and engaging community make it a gaming haven. The prospect of joining the advance server excites me, offering a chance to drive into new features early and contribute to the game's evolution. The potential acceptance fills me with gratitude, as it opens doors to a deeper, enriched gaming experience. Here's to the thrilling adventure ahead in the world of Mobile.!.
564 Views 05/13/2024
sasageyo attacktitan
## Mobile Legends: A Frustration Fueled Frenzy Mobile Legends: Bang Bang has the potential to be a thrilling MOBA experience. However, that potential is consistently choked by a multitude of issues that turn what should be a strategic competition into a rage-inducing exercise in futility. The most glaring problem lies in the **abyssmal matchmaking system**.  Just five minutes into a match, you can find yourself staring down defeat as teammates inexplicably **feed the enemy**, seemingly oblivious to even the most basic MOBA principles. This isn't an isolated incident; it's a recurring nightmare.  Are you paired with **AFKers** who abandon the team at the first sign of trouble? Or perhaps teammates who seem to be **controlled by malfunctioning AI**, mindlessly pushing down lanes and offering themselves as easy prey?  These scenarios become agonizingly familiar, leaving you questioning the very point of playing.
1.5K Views 04/04/2024
That's everything for now. Start a new game?