Kuroshio: Awakening

Kuroshio: Awakening TW

Provider Komoe Game
22,657 Downloads15,609 Followers

Kuroshio: Awakening is a naval strategy game.

The story takes place in a near-future world, where one day, humans are horrified to discover that ships can't navigate on the surface of the sea, and all inorganic objects are swallowed up by the sea. At this point, the era of carrier clusters becomes history, and the doll technology that combines the posture of a girl with the firepower of a battleship enters the world stage. With this technology, the four major powers rose to power, and the world was able to maintain the appearance of "peace" amidst the balance between them.

Beneath the peaceful surface, a dark tide of unexplained mutations in the dolls, which the various forces keep secret, they call the dolls with unexplained phenomena as [monsters], fearing them and respecting them as gods; or anger and persecution; or panic and choose to imprison them.

Will they submit to the injustice of this world and survive in the cracks, or will they rise up and tear apart the false illusion of peace?
Please lead the abandoned women to rewrite their destiny together.

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