Screenshot of Super Run
Screenshot of Super Run
Super Run

Super Run

Dev active
Provider Halfbrick Studios
48,423 Downloads18,761 Followers

A game to travel around the world at high speed! Enjoy the game and try to get the highest score!

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Chilly Coolmin
111 Views 03/28/2024
It was good I guess, but it needs to be updated, 👍 Pros: I love the new shooting mechanics but I will talk more about it in the cons part, but for what it is, it's decent and makes the sequel more apart from the first, the levels are great, I love the idea that when you play later levels, there are longer than the last, but like the guns, I have more to say in the cons part, the boss fight are great too and have nothing bad to say about them, and I love arcade but wish it could be played without needing internet, I do like the upgrade aspect of the game, and does also keep it apart from the first, but now for the cons. 👎 Cons: the guns, while being a massive upgrade, does not appear through the entire level, it only appears for a little bit in the middle of the level where finally Barry whips out the gun and shoots down some bots but then disappears after a while, if the gun was with you from the start and end of the level, when I wouldn't complain. the levels are amazing like I said in the pros, but once you a play a level you can't no longer play that level ever again, which sucks, last thing, this game has an energy system, need I say more? Altogether, good game but needs to be updated
16 Views 03/17/2024
Finally I found the game that my sister played
924 Views 06/22/2023
Cool game but when is the new update?
7.9K Views 04/29/2023
Wow! :0 I Rlly Wanted To Play JJ2, But I Am An Android User! It Works! :D
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Joey Vaz
1.1K Views 04/18/2023
it was good ig
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That's everything for now. Start a new game?