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TapTap Creator
6.4K Views 12/28/2023
Cecil James
303 Views 12/26/2023
I'm in love with this game, this is my first review for a game and I'm an MSc Student for game design, so in a way I'm somewhat hard to please but moonlight blade found ways to make me; follow the story, fall in love with the systems like the runic system that is Meridian, the epitaph and it's endless combo for customisations, the mastery system, the agentic aspect of the game driving the story and deciding constellation, the recruiting hero systems, the career system, tales and raids etc don't get me wrong there are lots of elements in this game that are present in other MMOs but none executed it with the right balance as this it also has a bottle Royale mode called Grandmaster that somewhat reminds me of Naraka blade point, another mobile mmo did something similar but it's not half as good as this This is a great game that's built to stand the test of time if the Devs don't ruin their game. I wish it had more class customisations, something as extensive as traha or Dragon nest m, all classes work with the same skills in PvP with every similar class bring a reflection of you and the mastery system is the only feasible way to carve a niche which seems like a lot to grind, The beginning can be quite slow but it carries you along with good Combat and flashiness that quickly build up into more fun gameplay. An outstanding game in my opinion. A great game honestly with a lot to do in it. It does have pay to win elements, if you want to have fun though it's worth it.
Devil Blade
Moonlight Blade Gameplay
889 Views 12/28/2023
One exciting feature is the ability to duel certain NPCs, offering permanent stat boosts. The game has a low-fantasy setting, focusing on wuxia and human opponents rather than monsters. This provides a refreshing change from the abundance of fantasy and sci-fi MMOs out there. The armor and gear you find or craft have a normal appearance, such as robes, avoiding the inclusion of overly revealing or impractical designs.
Moonlight Blade might scratch your mobile MMO itch
2.2K Views 01/02/2024
One of my top choices before this year ends!
1.4K Views 12/28/2023
304 Views 12/28/2023
I've been playing for a few days now. So far it's been pretty good. The combat system is really dynamic. You can combo the skill to fight more effectively, giving a strategic gameplay even in 1v1 PvP, making it not too much stat based when you are fighting. The server is also verg stable (Despite being in Asia, playing a US region game). I really like the career system too. Not just that, you can also just explore the world and find some collections to get rewards, so despite just looking around you can make some progress. The storyline is also interesting.
Sora Synn
Sora Synn
TapTap Creator
Moonlight Blade Mobile [Open Beta] - A GORGEOUS Wuxia Mobile MMORPG Also on PC
6.4K Views 12/28/2023
I've been fantasizing something like this~
2.9K Views 12/28/2023
Sora Synn
Sora Synn
TapTap Creator
Moonlight Blade Mobile [OBT] - A FAST PACED, High ACTION Wuxia MMORPG on Mobile AND PC!
5.7K Views 12/27/2023
It's like playing Blade and Soul in mobile; but with good art though~
3.6K Views 04/28/2023
That's everything for now. Start a new game?