Screenshot of Whack the Burglars - Robbers
Screenshot of Whack the Burglars - Robbers
Screenshot of Whack the Burglars - Robbers
Screenshot of Whack the Burglars - Robbers
Screenshot of Whack the Burglars - Robbers
Screenshot of Whack the Burglars - Robbers
Screenshot of Whack the Burglars - Robbers
Screenshot of Whack the Burglars - Robbers
Whack the Burglars - Robbers

Whack the Burglars - Robbers

Provider Netplayer Games
57,824 Downloads43,436 Followers

In Whack the Burglars you have to try to stop 3 robbers from burgling your house. Using everyday objects in 2 different rooms you will square off against different robbers and deliver real bloody justice to these pesky thieves.Whisky and his owner are back for more brutal fun and this time the antagonist is more deserving than ever of the ultimate payback.
Along the way there will be a few others to help you achieve such a goal with Whisky the Dog and Whiskers the Cat coming to your aid!
With 30 kills to find this is the biggest point and click Whack game yet!
4 More Kills are Coming Shortly...

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