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After playing Free Fire for a few months...
7.9K Views 03/15/2023
Deleted and installed it again few months ago. Here some of my personal opinion about this game (i know no one asked but who cares lmao) 1. Pay to win weapon skins. - if you're a hardcore player or a free to play player, you would feel frustrated every time you get killed by players with insanely high stat weapon skins. I can't deny it that i also use weapon skins (example : a free mp40 skin i got from the previous Christmas event). But i noticed that weapon skins with higher price have much higher stat.
1.9K Views 10/31/2023
Instead of balancing the game free fire launches more Evo guns with unbeatable damage and abilities that beats the player skills due to which free fire faces a big download after 2022 March And in 2023 free fire is also not listed in top downloading for playing games we As a free fire old gamers recommend garena to remove ability of guns skins , car skins and gloo wall skins to balance the game as in Brazil server
2.1K Views 02/19/2022
This game is overall fine but the publisher ruined it's potential to be a good and fine game. It's full of pay to win skins, downgraded graphics (FreeFire Max's graphics aren't good enough as well.), horrible gun mechanics, bad movement, etc. Sometimes I even think Garena doesn't even mind the settings for the game, instead they only publish P2W skins and other worthless collaboration, singers or something like that. Overall, this game is horrible, not from the game itself, it's from the lazy publisher and trash community around it.
2K Views 06/06/2023
Its just a better game than ff max because of the unnecessary features in that game and this being completely bloat-feature free!
1.7K Views 10/26/2023
There are lots of bugs that need to be fixed, in terms of weapons and skins there are lots of variations so you won't get bored, and there are lots of gameplay and modes too.
The user has deleted the account
2.1K Views 01/15/2022
This is a game that I'd like you to steer away. The game is a pile of garbage with the worst monetization ever. The game play is fine, but the aggressive p2w system makes the game hundred times more garbage. This is not a battle royale game where every one is equal, this is a money spending game. Whoever spend more money always win. And this makes a very dangerous and toxic environment when people are furiously spending money to win. And don't even start about the sheer number of kids playing the game globally that completely destroys the whole game and creates the most hated and worst community of all time. This is the worst battle royale game of all time.
1.4K Views 10/22/2023
This game has many characters based on reality too…I like to play this game as it is a battle royale game and I like it.it's graphics are too good and we can adjust it by oiselves too. But, the problem is that it needs so much space as my ipad is only 16GB space so , I can’t play it please fix this problem ASAP. Thanks and Regards.
3.5K Views 11/01/2023
So i updated free fire today, and the new update free fire winterlands was amazing, so much better than the previous update. I also like the new hero's skill, flame mirage its so useful
Emon Chy
1.3K Views 10/17/2023
🎮 Gameplay: Thrill of multiplayer and lots of guns/ attachment. Play on your style. 👍 Pros: Millions of tricks and tricks could be used to win. Find your tricks and keep playing. 👎 Cons: The free fire fanbase is a bit toxic. So, expect to get kicked or not revived in random lobbies. Ghn skin attributes make it p2w in some cases.  Overall Recommended to try.
3.3K Views 01/28/2023
Rewriting my review.  One thing that annoys me most about this game is how painfully pay2win the game is. Players with unbalanced stat weapon skins will absolutely make your match miserable. Stopped playing the game for a while now. But after installing it again,  I'm surprised to see a lot of new contents in the new update. New map, weapons, UI features, game modes, events... Comparing to previous updates (which is just new pay2win weapon skins and gacha), it's more unusually active.
That's everything for now. Start a new game?