
Hi there, I've been gaming for as long as I remember and 2022 was definitely the best year yet in terms of mobile gaming for me. With the upcoming releases this year I'm excited for a lot games although for some the release dates are yet to be announced.
But the majority of my excitement is mostly focused towards Warframe mobile. A free to play sci-fi looter shooter with a very fun story and an amazing community, not to mention the incredible gameplay loop created through the combination of these aspects. In short Warframe is a space ninjas shoot em up and get loot kind of game. On the community side off of this little shooter there is an in-game trading system in which players can trade different forms in-game resource in an exchange of equally benefitting resources or for the in-game premium currency. Granted there may be an in-game premium currency within Warframe but it is not an offset enough to the point in which the game be called pay 2 win. Developers are walking a fine line with this currency in my personal opinion but it is thanks to the in-game trading system in which you can trade for this premium currency with hard-earned resources pretty much for free that allowed me to have a more lenient Outlook on the system. I won't lie these two aspects of the game provide a really large incentive for me to constantly play and grind.
Unlike most of the games out there once you hit the top you'll hit this motivational ceiling which pretty much makes fun aspects of a game null and boring or even at most times repetitive but in Warframe even if you've acquired every single resource in the game or every single armor or weapon or loot you can find there is one thing out there that even though you could put like $10 to $20 to easily acquire it, the experience of earning it through communicating with other players and bargaining with every fiber of your bartering skills is something I believe to be most fun 'real world-like' achievement one can easily accomplish in game. Without any form of guidance or cheese tutorial videos I was able to acquire a good bit of communication skills and business-like insights through trading with a large number of other players.
Maybe wondering other than the gameplay benefits of the premium currency if you're at the top what else could you possibly need? Well I did stands Warframe has another side to the community called 'fashion framing' and it is one of the most fun and creative things in a game as simple as Warframe. Not that Warframe is a simple game but it's definitely not a game with a character creation system as complicated as Black desert or a cosmetic system that's as jam packed as fortnite. The developers of Warframe are the kind that tend to have a pretty close relationship with its community and through this relationship there is a myriad of community provided cosmetics within Warframe paired with the developer provided cosmetics as well. All acquired through the in-game premium currency.
I used to play this game day in and day out on PC until a certain point where my computer stopped working I haven't able to get proper one since then but I didn't manage to get a proper phone and now I cannot wait to play this game on Android. Combined with the new cross-save and cross-play the developers have implemented how can any Warframe fan not be excited. Now I'll be able to play Warframe where ever and whenever I want. The grind will never stop, only bad internet and a dead battery can stop me lol 😂
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