I've been playing the game for 3 years now. It's getting better i guess. Here's a quick review of the game and it's pros and cons i can mention and remember and my experience
Good graphics (unless if you select high)
Platoons are fun
Alot of fun modes
Not too grindy (fun modes can really negate the grind as they give alot of credits and xp)
Fast paste battles
Strong youtube community
Alot of tanks to choose from
Strong anti cheat system
Monthly updates
Free battlepass has decent rewards
Training rooms (can be a great relax talking with other people and doing other shenanigans)
Realistic gun sounds
PBR maps (only a few maps currently have pbr)
Realistic penitration system (there's still some inaccuracy but it's getting better)
Alot of tank classes (from meduim tanks, light tanks, heavy tanks and tank destroyers)
Detailed maps
Horrible teammates (if you're wr is below 55% you will most of the time have horrible teammates. And it's very hard to find good ones)
Toxicity (the toxicity has decreased over the years but there's still a abundant of them specially at NA and ASIA server)
P2w elements (the game has p2w elements. Such as you can use real money to by broken fictional tanks take the annihilator for example or Defender mk2)
Competitive (the game is extremely competitive and skill based so if you're a casual player i dont recommend playing this game)
Battlepass tanks (since the bp was released the battle pass tanks where okay it didn't have affect on mm. But now there are alot of battle pass tanks that are ruining t6 mm)
Large resource download (it's around 3gb if i remember yes it's alot if you have slow internet this game is not recommended as downloading would take ages)
Premuim tanks (alright this is debatable some premuim tanks are actaully balance and not too broken. But some are just way to overpowered. You will most of the time always see premuim tanks from t8-t10 it ruins the mm and for the f2p players)
Limited rewards for f2p (f2p players just don't get enough rewards on events and the battlepass. But it is understandable as wg needs money to continue to update the game. But once again this is debatable nowadays wg releases alot of free events every update and sometimes give free rewards in the shop)
Crates (this is just the worst invention possible. Spending hundreds of dollars in crates trying to get a tank with a 0.08% chance that's pure bs. But if you have money buy them but if you don't have money just don't buy them there a waste)
Overall my rating for the game base on my experience
Fun: 7/10
Gameplay: 7.6/10
Modes: 9/10
Graphics: 7/10
Mechanics: 6/10
Community: 10/10
Anti cheat: 10/10
Toxicity: 3.7/10
P2w elements: 2/10
Total: 7/10
Mentioned games
better play war thunder than this👍👍👍
I think it's shitty pay to win bro
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