Dwerve Dominates Round 2: Ready Prime of Flames vs Bright Reappear in Round 3 and the $1000 Prizes!

As the dust settles on the battlefield of Pocket Playfest's Round 2, one game reigns supreme: Dwerve (with 4499 votes). This tower-defense-dungeon-crawler hybrid deftly outpaced its competitor, Refactor (with 3993 votes), in an epic showdown that captivated gamers worldwide.
Round 2 Recap: Dwerve Clinches Victory
The second round of Pocket Playfest saw a riveting clash between two indie powerhouses. Refactor, a brain-teasing physics puzzler, stood its ground against Dwerve, a compelling fusion of tower defense and dungeon crawling. Though both games drew impressive download and vote numbers, Dwerve managed to edge ahead, cementing its place as the round's champion. We would like to shout out again for these two amazing game creator:
- Percy: Creator of Dwerve
- Backhand: Creator of  Refactor
Community Wisdom - Highlights from the Review Deck
- Delta Wowf UwU: "That being said, I would say the graphics are good, even pretty detailed for the style if you zoom in."
- Jimmy: "All in all, the graphics and gameplay are great but the new features are not that enticing for it to be worth it at this time."
-Kurifuu:"This game element is what really drives the strategy here since you have to be careful in placing turrets if you also want to extend the enemies path to the end portal."
- VSiFer: "The game it's simples and engaging. Even the tedious tutorial couldn't keep me from playing this satisfying strategy game."
- GwimGaming: "It's aunique blend of Tetris-like mechanics and tower defense gameplay sets it apart. The freedom to create unique defensive paths and experiment with turret combinations adds depth and excitement to the gameplay."
Delta Wowf UwU: "The game is good… Or at least it seems good from the first level. The atmosphere is impressive, the art is good, and the gameplay seems passable. I can see myself trying the full release when it comes out and giving a proper review then as well, so I would honestly rate Dwerve 5/5."
0ccasional_j03: "The graphics look incredible, each Sprite has a way of fitting neatly into the game and the story doesn't drag along at all, unlike some games of a similar nature.
Merlinus: "If you think it's a simple game, just like the graphics, you're wrong!
The setting, all the details are beautiful, it really is a masterpiece and it's about games like this."
Liangzx: "it use unity but looks like RPG maker."
Lorenzo: "Dwerve is a very original rpg tower defensa game, that mixes zelda 8 bit artwork style and mystcal history, with a very good live combat with the enemie"
Round 3 Preview: Prime of Flames vs Bright Reappear
Looking forward, the temperature is set to rise in Round 3 as Prime of Flames goes toe-to-toe with Bright Reappear. As these two indie games prepare to face off, they carry the hopes and dreams of their creators and fans into the digital arena. Remember, the coveted $1000 prize is still up for grabs, and every game played, every vote cast, brings you closer to that grand prize. So good games, gamers - Round 3 awaits! Let the best game win!
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Kai X
Kai X
it think dwerve had better story
I've got to say, even though Dwerve pulled off the victory in Round 2, I strongly believe Refactor deserved that win. Its innovative physics-based puzzles are such a unique concept, demanding strategic thinking in a fun way. I really appreciate the fresh ideas and dedication of Backhand, you’re my winner!
Hibaa Wisam
Hibaa Wisam
I like uoy
It's time for Prime of Flames!
Prime of Flames is gonna be lit 🔥 🤪
good games so far ,so great job devalpers ... the give away tho is a scam... how do you want us to reach that 1100 tickets ?!
i like dwerve
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