Night of the Full Moon - A Visually GORGEOUS and Easy To LEARN TCG Game

Night of the Full Moon is an interesting card game on mobile devices. It's set in a darker themed Little Red Riding Hood story and you play Little Red Riding Hood. The story is minimal. With only a few slides at the beginning of the game to show you a basic premise.
Little Red Riding Hood always lived with her grandmother, but then one day she goes missing. And according to the investigators her trail leads off into the forest. And that's about it for the story. You then take control of the game yourself and go on your journey into the forest. The gameplay is actually a TCG style game.
You have a deck of cards to use against your enemies. And the gameplay is told as if you're traveling through a story book. Each encounter is considered a page. And as you progress through your enemies or stores to buy upgrades, your pages will be completed for that chapter.
It's a pretty interesting way to tell the gameplay of the game. And I am definitely enjoying it so far. The TCG combat is pretty similar to what I'm used to from playing other TCG style games, but interestingly the main difference is the lack of resources to cast a card.
It seems like you can cast as many cards as you like as long as they're in your hands, So in that aspect I feel like this TCG style game is a lot easier than majority of the others I've played in the past since resource management to save for your big cards isn't an option here. Just play all your cards, or not, the choice is yours.
Even with this easy type of combat style, I did find myself struggling with one certain boss, it was this mirror boss. And it would copy all your cards in your deck, so it was using my own deck against me, and I think the closest I got it to death was when I had it at around 8hp I think? But it took me out first. 
I can choose to ignore that boss and focus on leveling up more and leveling up my cards too, Which I have done but I still can't take down the mirror boss at the moment. But I'm sure in time I can. Visually the art work is right up my alley. I love the dark aesthetic of the character art.
I think they all look so cool and the character designs are varied and unique. It's definitely really eerie and spooky, but not too much. It's just a right balance of cartoony gothic art style for a game of this type I think. The Audio is beautiful too. I love the background music and the overall sound effects are clear and crisp.
The game obviously knows this and wants you to experience their game with your headset in order to appreciate their gorgeous audio. Overall I'd say that Night of the Full Moon is a very easy TCG game to get into, and the learning curve isn't steep compared to other TCG games. If you like the TCG concept but don't want to play an overly complicated type, then this one is definitely one you should try. With it's easy to grasp gameplay and gorgeous visuals and audio, I think this will be a fun experience for any one to try out.
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