The gameplay is good, it's optimized for good phone and the best part is it's free.
1) The gameplay.
The gameplay is good,a fps on phone is not what I would call a great thing because it's hard to aim on mobile but it still have a good gameplay, with PvE or PvP and you have different classes and weapons.
2) Graphics, sounds and soundtrack.
It's beautiful, the sounds of the guns are good and I can't complain about the music, it's only in the menu and go well with the vibe but the only bad thing is the other payer skin, it feel off, like it's feel like everything but real unlike the rest of the game.
3) The A.I.
The A.I is great, better than is some AAA game (I'm looking at you battlefield 4) but it's still basic, it shoot and move, there isn't a lot of much to say so to end this test I'll have to say: play it for yourself.
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Nick Grady
Nick Grady
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