🎮 Gameplay:  good
📖 Storyline: generic
🕹️ Controls: good
🎨 Graphics: good
🎬 Presentation: good
🎵 Sound: decent
💡 For future:
1_zombies must attack faster and react to less movement since they do not have limiters, which also makes them clumsy and some could even flee
2_The houses lack dynamics, how to open boxes or closet doors and see the object
3_Something that would completely improve the game would be if the zombies did not look alive and that they had a random standard of how much a normal zombie type weapon can withstand 4-6 stabs, and 1-2 headshots. in itself that their specific life does not appear, so the players learn from the game itself and are curious about other zombies
4_ Just as I said about the houses, there is no need for so many cars on the roads, in general the best thing for the optimization and experience of the game is that there are fewer and some can be opened and others cannot, as well as some can be looted and others cannot, and some objects with their possibilities of appearance and that some can be fixed and used
5_ that in the future it can be built on a more or less large plot of land
Mentioned games
4/10 because zero settings in game/graphic and controls
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