Call of duty Warzone Mobile on OnePlus 12 | 60 fps with HIGH graphics

"Experience Next-Gen Gaming: Call of Duty Warzone Mobile on OnePlus 12 at 60 fps with High Graphics!"
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Are you ready to elevate your mobile gaming experience to the next level? With the powerful OnePlus 12, you can now dive into the heart-pounding action of Call of Duty Warzone Mobile like never before.
One of the most exciting features of this setup is the ability to play at a smooth 60 frames per second, coupled with high graphics settings. This means you'll enjoy stunning visuals and fluid gameplay that rival even some console experiences.
The OnePlus 12's cutting-edge hardware ensures that every gunshot, explosion, and movement is rendered with precision and clarity. Immerse yourself in the detailed environments, realistic animations, and intense battles that Warzone Mobile has to offer, all on a device that fits in the palm of your hand.
Whether you're a seasoned veteran looking for a portable gaming solution or a newcomer ready to experience the thrill of Warzone on the go, the OnePlus 12 delivers an unrivaled gaming experience. Get ready to answer the call of duty wherever you are, with the power and performance of OnePlus 12 in your hands.
Mentioned games
It means your gpu is not enough to run the game.
Can anyone help me out I have an iPad or that is updated to the latest iOS but for some reason it will let me download the game but when I go to play it it says unsoported and then goes back to my main screen
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