I don't quite follow with the story bcs they're kinda info dump it too much. I do enjoy everything is voice over and the voice acting is decent. Finar's voice is probably my most favourite so far.
We get to choose our mc gender so I went with the male. I like his voice. Soothing and calm but it's such a waste bcs the game decided to give us a fairy companion to do all the talking.
I get it the mc supposed to be self insert like majority of gacha games (not really a fan tho) but why give them a voice if they're just end up gonna be a silent protagonist most of the time?
And our fairy companion? Yeah you guess it. She's the typical loud boasty oversized fly. Still, she's tolerable when she's not talking abt herself.
Huge applause for the art style. It really captures the gory gruesome world. The monsters design are disgusting and just fuel my urge to chop them off (this is a compliment btw). Some of the undead reminds me of junji ito drawing.
The combat? It's a side-scroll action game. I haven't play far yet but for now it feels like a dps check kinda game. Just level up to get better but I can be wrong on this part tho since I'm still learning.
Coming from PGR banner system, I don't like the game mix weapons and characters in the same pull. 10-pull and 9 out 10 are just weapons. Maybe it's just my luck but I prefer weapons do not mix with characters banner.
Overall I quite enjoy this game but I don't see myself stick with it for a long time. Mostly bcs I don't like that little fairy brat to talk for us lol
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Dagoth Ur
Dagoth Ur
You can't follow the story because you are going to focus on dodging the enemy attacks and projectiles tf bullet hell in 2d scroller is just insane.
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