Mino Monsters 2: Evolution
Mino Games
More欢迎来到米诺怪兽 2:进化 让我们一起踏上战斗的旅程,探索 100 多个巨兽吧,你已经进入了战役、远征和对战的世界!成为保卫土地,击退黑暗势力的英雄吧。获取进化的力量,让和平重回大地。世界的发展掌握在你的手中。 游戏特色 - 收集、训练并与 100 个巨兽战斗。 - 将米诺进化成史诗形式。 - 完成远征和任务获得奖励。 - 消灭对战锦标赛中的对手。 - 每周都有新怪兽和特殊活动。 - 发现远古守护者米诺 - 游戏好玩,让人爱不释手 - 色彩明快,有栩栩如真的高清图像和动画
Mino Monsters 2: Evolution
As a child I always loved this game, the music, the monster designs, the characters, the story, the legendarys I loved EVERYTHING about this game, it's honestly sad that the only way I can remember it by is through the youtube videos, I would give the world just to be able to play it one last time.
That's everything for now. Start a new game?