out of 10


380 Views 04/26/2021
It is very simple but yet complicated game. It is your tradrional card game where you select the units you want to have on the battle to fight. Your goal is to destory your enemy's base and not get yours destoryed. You can set up and cuztomize your army, updgrade them and upgrade your castle(base). Ads are not invasive at all, you can watch them if you want free keys to open boxes but this is totally optional so you will not have problem with game forcing you to watch the ads. Although this game look simple if you play more and more, you will notice the dev put alot of work in each characters and their animations.
214 Views 04/23/2021
good game and simple but not that simple
☠️dead knigth☠️
6 Views 06/27/2023
5 Views 04/23/2021
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/4dTS4zWBKFc 1.《戰七國》是一款西方中古世紀與魔幻題材的塔防對戰手遊。PLAY 商店有預先註冊近日提醒我已經可以遊玩了,無需帳號登入可以直接開始遊玩。 2.遊戲的玩法可以說是很像《貓咪大戰爭》,只是題材與風格完全不同,再者這款《戰七國》多了微操的撤退、防與、攻擊,可以做到以退為進、防守反擊,集結出發...等操作。 3.可上陣的角色有 10 位分為上下兩個頁面,新手拿到 3500 鑽可以先來個 10 連抽。通關獲得金幣後可以升級養成我們的角色等級、城堡技能與各種 BUFF。 4.總的來說,沒有漂亮的 UI 介面,商城系統可購買鑽石,沒發現主動式與強制性廣告。玩法簡單明確,抽角養成後進行塔防對戰來推進關卡。
The best games to relieve true medieval warfare
12K Views 02/07/2023
That's everything for now. Start a new game?