Provider Knyoo
7,320 Downloads4,417 Followers

Pure MOBA competitive mobile game, the mall does not sell attributes! Technology slings everything! Let you experience the original touch, the feeling of traveling!
There is no right and wrong, only victory and defeat!
There are no local tyrants and civilians, only strong and weak!
Summon those familiar heroes, use pure technology to prove yourself, and use technology to prove that the way is king!


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241 Views 11/28/2021
I played this game very long time and after playing this comeback game of Destiny of thrones the system is too lag cannot play properly the game. Hope you guys will fix this lag issue. BTW, I'm from PH. If this game will be playable like any moba game, I will be advertising this game to our Country!
209 Views 10/25/2021
This time it's another wave of version updates! Please be prepared! The version will be updated in the near future (1) Adjust the full screen interface (better, better and more special effects) (2) Qualifying changed to the sky ladder anonymous ban hero, take turns to choose (not used to please quickly experience the current version, later can not experience yo) (3) Hero balance adjustment (players hurry to cool this version of the strong hero, the next version is more balanced)
iOS start appointment As we all know, iOS is about to be launched, and TapTap and App Store reservation channels will be opened today. Search the official website of TapTap on iOS or directly search and make appointments in the App Store. After discussion, because iOS made everyone wait too long, Gu Ci issued an iOS appointment compensation. Anyone who makes an appointment on iOS from today will receive a silver coin reward (number of appointments ÷ 10), as well as other rewards and Kaiyu mysterious gift package.
812 Views 07/31/2021
71 Views 07/30/2021
so good👍🏻
Update version 1.8.0 1. Map big update, more beautiful, more interesting map waiting for everyone! 2. Update the activity, fight to get rare items beautiful skin, etc! Sign in to the game every day to receive free super rewards! 3. Add English! In the login interface can switch between Chinese and English, so that DOT in international standards, more players barrier-free communication, players from all over the world can open black together!
750 Views 09/26/2021
DOT Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day activities are integrated, entering a new era of 1.8.0, which is expected to start on September 27. Preview: 1. The map will have big moves, and more beautiful and interesting maps are waiting for everyone! 2. Update activities, collect items, exchange skins and other fine products! (Among them is the rare skin of Chang'e) 3. The 7-day National Day sign-in is on, sign-in can receive free premium rewards!
68 Views 09/18/2021
Shituoling Canyon 5v5 confrontation
1.1K Views 11/24/2021
That's everything for now. Start a new game?