out of 10


1.5K Views 11/05/2021
game was updated and I'm changing my review. it's a fun game for about an hour, and then you're out of energy and you can't do anything but wait. in this game you join or create a guild and pick targets members of your guild are also targeting. you roll dice and depending on what you land is what happens. you gain gold as you roll and I think when the battle is over you get that gold. there's long battle timers and each roll uses up energy unless you decide to power it up with more energy. some things I think would be good is if the guilds were smaller, maybe special dice or sets that have a higher percentage to roll something specific, allow rolling without energy but maybe at a penalty, achievements to unlock stuff, maybe watch a video and fill up your energy, more gear, different classes....
424 Views 04/12/2022
A really good game. It's simple but it's fun. I really enjoying it.
Not bad
436 Views 11/06/2022
Great concept, but could use tweaking. It's a little too easy to run out of energy.
567 Views 02/09/2022
excellent game
9 Views 06/23/2022
(如无意外,如果你直接搜꧁༺[游戏人生]༻꧂,可以看到更多的、我对各种游戏的碎碎念) 之前就写过一些攻略,还附加了一些人生感悟, 【双tap互通评论】亦像是人生,在无聊中寻找意义 - TapTap https://www.taptap.com/topic/20578246 不过这次。。咱就纯谈感悟吧: ①万事都先说开端吧?那时候无聊,在找什么好玩的新游戏,就下载了这个。。实际玩到手、还弄懂了之后,真的是好无聊呀!!我就差那么一点时间就卸载了!诶!?恰好这时候上一任会长一走了之,撒手人寰,把这公会留给了我。。我™... 一如人降生到这个世界、这个家庭。就负有社会责任,家庭责任。要对父母负责,对朋友负责,对自己负责,对这负责,对那负责,对国负责。。诶,我本人就不是什么负责任的人-_- 奈何是一颗良心在胸膛,丢又丢不掉的 。 ②就挺无聊一游戏,我居然还找出了一点小技巧!?这真是无意义中找寻意义。
35 Views 12/15/2021
有空搜个China或者中国,加入我的公会一起玩。 也只有我这么一个标榜着是中国的。。前任会长给了我,我也不能够撒手不管呀。😑💦
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2.7K Views 08/10/2022
That's everything for now. Start a new game?