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802 Views 11/26/2021
This is a game about the heroes with swords and magic to defeat the monsters to save the world. The gameplay is similar to Plants vs. Zombies, but more strategic. You can use cards to unleash skills and actions to effectively stop the monster invasion. The art style is kind of cute, like hand-drawn. But I feel like I need to recharge to recruit more new heroes, so I hope there are other ways to get them.
486 Views 11/26/2021
Similar to the tower defense version of Slay the Spire, there is both the fun of Plants vs. Zombies and, at the same time, the fun of Roguelike card combinations. Players must not only allocate the location of heroes and defensive weapons, but also strengthen them at the exact right time and use a variety of powerful magic to face waves of powerful opponents. In short, the strategy to deal with the enemy is very diverse, and the variety of cards is also very rich, the overall more playable. However, additional powerful cards need to be unlocked by paying for them.
246 Views 12/06/2021
A little gameplay. Overall it was a good strategic game for you guys to play.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azr-Cr7u2SI&t=104s&ab_channel=Jay
17 Views 11/26/2021
一款结合了卡牌编组的塔防游戏,战斗回合类似于植物大战僵尸,怪物会一波一波的出来攻击,玩家需要利用自己的手牌在不同位置排列英雄和摆放英雄的技能以防守进攻。 游戏同时也有需要养成的内容,解锁相关英雄需要根据地图推进或者购买,不氪金解锁进度非常缓慢,因此整体感受会比较的单调。
That's everything for now. Start a new game?