out of 10


James Dempsey
156 Views 06/08/2022
A complete disappointment on every single front. Controls are obtuse, there's an annoying click on every tap, functionally no game play at all save for map navigation, idiotic economic model (a roguelike dungeon runner where you spend whole dollars worth on the skill shops for one run items? Obscene.). just a royal waste of time.
Ad farming
855 Views 06/14/2022
Game is full of ads, it's intended to be a shard gacha, although I didn't even come to that point... So idk why it tries to ruin the game experience with ad farming. It's quite annoying and a very greedy move trying to make some money with ads while also having gacha.
Rammsys Izzy
The game is awesome! But i grind for 20hrs to get 3000 gems and use the 10x summon. Its bugged like hell! Only 10 fragment for 3000 gems? And its all random! So i need to spend 100k or more gems to get one new character?? Give back that 3k gem instead!
147 Views 10/27/2022
738 Views 06/02/2022
perfect game for me
Suriel Hess
Yeah,vertical anything is a BIG NOOOO!
630 Views 08/20/2022
Kaza Arata
3.2K Views 06/04/2022
Gamenya udah bagus tinggal ada bug pas selesai dungeon gamenya close sendiri cuman itu ajah permasalahannya kalo lain udah keren sih game ini
Misukaito Offline
Ads broken
3K Views 07/03/2022
xem QC xong báo lỗi ko cho lấy char là sao???
431 Views 06/04/2022
Lecaton Gamer
Video Gameplay de Infinity Dungeons
202 Views 06/01/2022
192 Views 06/04/2022
That's everything for now. Start a new game?