Card Crawl Adventure
Arnold Rauers
MoreCard Crawl Adventure is a solitaire style roguelike deckbuilding card game. In this single player card game you travel the world to visit cozy Taverns, play against devious monsters and loot shiny treasures. By drawing a path across your cards you combine them to create powerful attacks and magical spells. Collect and improve your cards, equip powerful items and refine your strategy. Each character comes with its own cards and effects which will challenge your wit, courage and resourcefulness. All adventures are randomly generated and every week you are invited to join the Weekly Tavern Crawl to compete with other adventurers around the world on a unique journey through the taverns of Card Crawl. Features - visit Card Crawls taverns - based on Card Thiefs pathing puzzle mechanic - roguelike deckbulding - short and engaging gameplay - weekly competitions Learn More about Tinytouchtales & Card Crawl Adventure at www.tinytouchtales.com
Card Crawl Adventure
When reading fantasy books or watching fantasy movies, I always find myself wondering where the scoundrels and cutthroats that live in these tales go to have fun. Surely they must enjoy more than just ransacking shops and stealing gold from travelers along dusty roads. They need to have fun and wind down somehow, right? Well, it seems like I’ve finally answered that question through Card Crawl Adventure
How Do Thieves Unwind? They Play Card Games - Card Crawl Adventure
Card Crawl Adventure
- unique and quirky art style
- varied fantasy soundtrack-detailed sound effects-deeply layered mechanics (status effects, turn mechanics, passive/active bonuses, mixture of win conditions, etc.)
-gameplay is a mixture of Card Thief and Maze Machina with a few added roguelike deck-building tropes (such as adding cards, strengthening cards, receiving passive bonuses, various encounters, etc.)
Abridged Card Crawl Adventure Review
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