Screenshot of Project CPW
Screenshot of Project CPW
Screenshot of Project CPW
Screenshot of Project CPW
Screenshot of Project CPW
Project CPW

Project CPW

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Provider That Summer Games

So the World is Breaking.
Since God Betrayed All——
Border Splashing Like Burning Pages
Like a Fractal Ocean Between Waves and Waves
Every Floating Bubble is a Lonely Prison
What is The Truth?Warriors Who Don't Speak the Language
Even the Travel Birds Forgot Their Return Date
Long for Their Perfection ,the Dismembered
And Where You Be When the Shadows Cross
An Open-world videogame with strong freedom based on Unreal 5.

In the world of CPW, you can go almost anywhere you can see. Specific operations include but are not limited to climbing, flying and water action. Some terrain is mobile(such as a huge beast or bird that even carries mountains and cities). Some part of scene will also be expanded to underground or the sky.

·Interact with environment
Players will have full freedom to interact with the open-world environment. Actions will be based on intuition, supported by both the physics engine and a chemistry engine(Means material interactions and elemental reactions). Further, players may change terrain and ecosystems, which can have far-reaching effects on the world.

·Group of heroes
CPW is a video game that values story as much as a traditional RPG. All playable characters are the protagonist of the game. That means they have their own paths, legends and moments of glory. Players can experience the story of any one of them in depth. Each character's independent level will have a considerable length; In the main storyline, they will also meet and join forces to change the world.

·Personalized Combat
The combat part of CPW is action-based. Each character has their own style and skills, supported by physics and chemistry engines. From this, players will be able to use the environment and terrain to develop their own strategies. And enemies in the world will fighting with the same weapons.

·Visual Achievements
Collections and achievements will be displayed in the game in the form of actual objects, rather than mere numbers or icons. Players can actually see their wealth and the changes they bring to the world.

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