out of 10


Most Helpful
Hmmmmm, I got a mixed feeling about this, it really is love & hate relationship.
3.8K Views 06/27/2023
Prime of Flames - Strategy Done Right
8.6K Views 06/22/2023
Delta Wowf UwU
The best demo yet. Prime of Flames
4K Views 06/22/2023
Prime of Flames Gameplay
6.8K Views 06/21/2023
1.2K Views 06/20/2023
Really good game. I particularly enjoy these types ever since playing final fantasy team tactics. It isn't as complex but still great gameplay. Enemies like going for the hunters and oneshot them. Make sure to leave them behind your team. I don't get the point of priest though. Maybe they do something I'm not seeing.
338 Views 06/23/2023
Great tactical rouge like game. I especially like the character design and there's actually some good meta to the game
1.4K Views 06/21/2023
Amazing gameplay with a unique twist. A lot of unique abilities that create a fun playing experience. A nice story that I'd easy to follow along with. Plus stunning graphics that aren't over the top. I would rate it a 5/5 but a nice tutorial for the battle to help beginners out would perfect it.
Ellie Kin
Forest tales
1.6K Views 06/20/2023
1.3K Views 06/20/2023
The game is good. I'm really fond of Turn-based games in general that's why this game is a plus for me. The graphics are nice. Feels like its optimized enough that even mid range phone like mine can play it very well. But there are things that I find lacking. First, is the fact that the tutorial is somewhat lacking. I don't know if the game is still in beta (I hope it is) but the tutorial stage feels short and after that you are left to explore everything by yourself.
Prime of Flames
1.8K Views 06/20/2023
This review is for Pocket Playfest First impression: - hmm... This review based on my around 20 mins of gameplay - potato phone friendly, my phone can play this game smoothly on default settings - gameplay is basically turn based strategy with (I hope it's random) generated choices between buff, store, recruit teammates, battle, and others each time you progress the stage with boss battle waiting at the end of the stage
That's everything for now. Start a new game?