Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Screenshot of Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game
Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game

Mr Prepper Craft Survival Game

Provider Movie Games Mobile
353 Downloads836 Followers

What happened after the Big Boom? Will you become the last survivor fighting your way through waves of enemies or will you use your crafting skills to prep yourself for a new life in the Shelter?

Unfortunate changes in governments may sometimes result in the necessity to move out from a safe haven and venture into unknown territory with only a map in your hand and crafting skills for your protection and survival. Mr Prepper will need to collect loot and find his way around the wastelands upgrading rooms in his shelter. Be a sport and join him in the thillring quest for finind a new place to live in peace, away from scavenging bandits and mutated monsters.

Plan and build a shelter for your survivor. Choose from a wide variety of rooms to forge a real boom-proof settlement. Use resources to craft bedroom, weapon storage, kitchen, workshop and other cool utility rooms. Make sure your shelter has enough power to provide energy for your base. Design your shelter’s layout and use the provided facilities wisely.

Watch your survivor’s sleep, health, and preparedness level to make sure you are always ready for action. Also, bear in mind that it is not good to loot locations on empty stomach. Make sure the Hero is well-fed by utilizing different recipes from the items you’ll find. All skills are necessary to keep healthy in your shelter. Your survival depends on it.

On his journey to get prepped, your Hero will visit various locations to fight enemies and find loot. Scavenge the map and come back with the loot. Use it to craft your way through the perils of the world. Find new weapons, armor and handy items that will allow you to build and upgrade your shelter.

Collect resources such as junk, weapon parts, wood, and other materials to craft necessary items for your protection. Gather food and energy sources to stay on your feet and make survival your priority.

Other game features:
- classic shelter gameplay combined with looting and crafting
- easy to pick up turn-based combat with a clear user interface
- unique graphic style and character design with an unparalleled enemy variety
- survival metrics you can replenish with crafting items from loot
- unlimited map exploration, revisit old locations for more goodies
- meet other characters and trade items with them to advance your Prepper

If all the shelter looting crafting and survival game elements sound enticing to you. Go ahead and download Mr Prepper now. Be the last survior!


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733 Views 10/15/2023
I wish I could play this :(
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