Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Screenshot of Legend of Allstar
Legend of Allstar

Legend of Allstar

Provider Oliver HA
111 Downloads331 Followers

Somewhere in the world, dark side is ready to conquer this world. Lead your team to start your own expedition, and protect this world throughout your adventure.
·Idle game, free your hands
Auto battle 24/7, free your hands, no more hard farming
·Plenty game modes plus endless rewards
Easy game experience and claim massive rewards throughout entire game
·Simple tactics
Multiple factions to choose from, adapt different counter bonus and win battles
·Share hero level, easy to grind
Sync system allows you to share hero level and even equipment with different units


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Bhupesh Khatri
16 Views 04/13/2024
I play the beta and the game is nice and there is alot of p2w
That's everything for now. Start a new game?