Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Screenshot of Bunny Battle
Bunny Battle

Bunny Battle

Provider wombat games

Bunny Battle is a competitive first- and third-person shooter in which you have to fight against other players or bots. There are five different levels and seven game modes available to you. Choose your team and start fighting!

- Levels
From the main menu you can choose from five levels: Industrial Area, Containers, Complex, Slums and Post Apocalyptic District. To get the best results on the battlefield, your tactics and weapons must be matched to the environment.

- Game Modes
Seven game modes are available to you: Capture The Flag, Conquest, Free For All, Kill Confirmed, Rush, Search And Destroy and Team Death match. Victory conditions always depend on the game mode you choose.

- Weapon Arsenal
You can fight with an assault rifle, machine gun, sniper rifle, pistol, shotgun or even a knife. Choose the right weapon according to your liking, or based on the environmental conditions in the different levels.

- Detailed game session customization.
Customize the number and intelligence level of bots, round duration and other game parameters to get the gameplay that suits you.


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