Screenshot of Chess - Offline 2 Player
Screenshot of Chess - Offline 2 Player
Screenshot of Chess - Offline 2 Player
Screenshot of Chess - Offline 2 Player
Screenshot of Chess - Offline 2 Player
Screenshot of Chess - Offline 2 Player
Screenshot of Chess - Offline 2 Player
Screenshot of Chess - Offline 2 Player
Chess - Offline 2 Player

Chess - Offline 2 Player

Provider Paras Shenmare
29 Downloads57 Followers

Chess is a chess game (Multiplayer and Singleplayer) written in Flutter using Flame engine

• 1 or 2 player gameplay
• Six AI difficulty levels
• Customizable app theme
• Customizable piece theme

AI Description
The chess AI we developed for this app uses the minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning to calculate which moves to make. There are six difficulty levels in the app, each level corresponding to the depth of the search used in the minimax algorithm. The highest difficulty is 6, which corresponds to 3 full chess moves.


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