Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Screenshot of Ashes of Arcanum
Ashes of Arcanum

Ashes of Arcanum

Provider Tophats N Tales

Ashes of Arcanum is a Virtual Table Top Role Playing Game featuring Deep Lore, and Bundles of Content, with Impactful choices.

In the realm of Ardron, a tapestry of possibilities awaits, woven by the hands of The Grand Arbiter. Empowered by cosmic authority, The Weavers(Game Masters), entrusted with the delicate threads of reality, are granted the tools to shape and mold Ardron's destiny.

Within this boundless expanse, The Weavers beckon forth The Fatebound(Players), chosen ones whose destinies intertwine with the very fabric of existence. Their charge: to guide mortal champions on a journey towards Ascension, where legends are forged and gods are born.

As a Fatebound, you hold the power to bestow your chosen champion with otherworldly abilities, drawing upon the essence of the divine. From the celestial mana flows the energies of creation, granting your champion the strength to wield supernatural forces and alter the course of history.

Infuse your chosen vessel with the essence of your creation, imbuing them with traits and talents beyond mortal ken. Together, embark on epic quests and perilous adventures, where every decision shapes the fate of Ardron and the destiny of its inhabitants.

Will you heed the call of destiny, forging alliances, battling ancient evils, and ascending to immortal glory? The tapestry of Ardron awaits your touch, beckoning you to weave a tale of heroism, sacrifice, and triumph.

A universe with Rich lore, With many realms to have your campaign take place wherever you want!
Over 50 Species to choose from, and you can even mix and match them with the Hybrid Species!
Over 10 classes to choose from. Each with 21 levels, 3 skill tree's, and a class feature every level!
Over 100 Upgrades to choose from, which range from simple skills to complete game play changes!
Simple Elegant Game Master assistance. Easy stuff where you need it so you can run the game without hassle!
Super in-depth character creation, All you have to do is pick and choose! but good luck with that~
A simple Tutorial, or an In-depth starting guide for new players! Join and play within as little as 30 minutes, even with no TTRPG experience!

Ashes of Arcanum(AoA) is a game I started working on roundabout 7 years ago.
It started out as another game, which had other games mixed into it.
You can see the Inspiration list here
After Covid. Some programs, and other things started going Downhill. So I started making a character creator for the TTRPG...
One thing led to another, and now its a full fledged game.
This game can run without needing steam running in the back. So it runs offline, if you need be.

Some disclaimers and other information is needed.

I have 7 years of content to program into this game... I started programming in December 14th 2022. It hasn't even been a year yet. and i started on another game for 4 months at first... so.
There will be a lot of bugs I'm sure. My QA helps when they can, but they're unpaid volunteers with lives of their own.

You should also probably have a Discord, or Telegram, or Skype or something for communication as this game has none. I can't even figure out net code, let alone that complexity. I'm lucky this thing boots to be honest.

Also. Don't go into this game expecting D&D or Pathfinder, or anything like it. Expect more... Actually don't expect anything.
Go into this expecting it to be a barely running garbage indie TTRPG like most of them are, but hey its not another clone so 👍

This was legit made for me and my friends, That's why its free, and will remain free, but hey if you enjoy it you're cool too. Join the discord. We'll trash on it together.


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