Screenshot of Manor of Mysteries
Screenshot of Manor of Mysteries
Screenshot of Manor of Mysteries
Screenshot of Manor of Mysteries
Screenshot of Manor of Mysteries
Screenshot of Manor of Mysteries
Manor of Mysteries

Manor of Mysteries

Provider Ibal Dawabsheh

You find yourself in an investigation mission where you have to explore a manor in which people went missing. Enter the manor with 2 of your friend and solve this mystery!100 RoomsThe manor has 100 rooms, you have to survive them all to win, facing various challenges along the way.Randomized RoomsEach room you access is randomly picked from a pool of pre-made rooms, each room contains a challenge; a puzzle, an enemy, or a trap.
You have to survive each room without a guide or tips, the game is trial and error so use each run as a lesson.
This means each run is different, so be careful and remember your previous mistakes to avoid them happening again.No RespawnsYou only have one life, so be cautious when facing a new challenge.


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