Screenshot of Fair and Square
Screenshot of Fair and Square
Screenshot of Fair and Square
Screenshot of Fair and Square
Screenshot of Fair and Square
Screenshot of Fair and Square
Fair and Square

Fair and Square

Provider Octopus Engine

Welcome here! here is a place composed only of simple shapes. Those shapes are the vessel of powerful beings and they are their only way to interract with the physical world.
They all aspire to reach "there", where all shapes and forms exists. However gatekeepers prevent shapes from here to access it to avoid mayhem out "there".

They used to live in peace, waiting for their time to cross the gate and reach the splendid world out "there". But it has been a very long time since any one has been able to accomplish the ritual to "there". It is even said that the gatekeepers have forgotten the ritual itself. More and more shapes now wants to get rid of the ritual to get to a better place. First came vocal protestation but since those stayed ignored it quickly turned into war. Shapes wanting to get "there" rush in huge numbers to the gate while the gatekeepers try as mush as they can to prevent them.

But one day a simple square arrives here. The chosen one. A square that is coming back from "there" to bring back balance here.

The gate is not stable by itself. To keep it stable you need to anchor it here. One need to build anchors on dedicated anchor spots that can be found on the map. When a new anchor is built it increase the gate stability and also unlocks a new runic ascend.Runic ascends
In Fair and Square there are multiple runic ascends which unlock some unique upgrades and units. Each ascend has three tiers and the bonuses become more and more powerful when you progress into tiers.Randomized runes
In story mode the runes you obtain when anchoring the gate are randomized. Try a new combination every run.

Fair and Square is a classical fast paced real time strategy game where you build your base and you control every workers and production buildings closely.

In story mode
Defend the gate by yourself or with a friend from randomly generated waves that become tougher and tougher.

Expand your base to keep the gate stable and unlock new runic ascends or bonuses.In versus mode

Chose 3 among 6 runic ascends to define you strategy. Each runic ascend will give access unique bonus and/or units. Find the best combination to out smart your opponent and climb the ladder versus other players.


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