Screenshot of Though the Heavens Fall
Screenshot of Though the Heavens Fall
Screenshot of Though the Heavens Fall
Screenshot of Though the Heavens Fall
Screenshot of Though the Heavens Fall
Though the Heavens Fall

Though the Heavens Fall

Provider Maranatha Games

Though the Heavens Fall is a Christian game reminiscent of classic JRPG gameplay while presenting a perspective of the spiritual world using the Christian Mythos. One where God reigns supreme and though there is conflict in heavenly places, His will is imminent and unstoppable. The game while light-hearted and comedic in tone is backed by the reality that things in the spirit realm are real, our prayers have effect, and that no lesser principality will have its way forever.

Key Features:
Synergy: A Turn Based Strategy Combat System
Make use of the powerful synergy system where party members set each other up for success rather than only making the best decision for their own turn. Skills and items both change what synergies are active, and gain additional abilities based on the ones that are!
A Serious Story With Lighthearted Dialogue
On one hand, we have a story world filled with the mysteries of the spiritual reality we all live in including classic interpretations of spiritual entities. On the other we have our characters that are goofy, relatable and fun. They're not here to make super deep theological statements, but to bring life to a world that displays many truths and images of our own world.
Customize Your Party, Because Friendship Is Forever
Whether you want to play with the characters you love or maximize your party power, with 9 playable characters the combinations are endless. Each party member has their own friendship level boosted by tasks you complete for them. Each level of friendship not only unlocks new character abilities but also helps them help you as your assistant when crafting.
In Depth Crafting System
With a massive web of potential ingredients, traits, and qualities, every item made is unique. Your craft doesn't make a cookie cutter item. It makes your item. From swords to rings to bombs, customize your load out to give yourself maximum power.
No DLC. Ever.
We are committed to this game being entirely single purchase, even after release. No double dipping into our customer's wallets here.


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