Screenshot of HELL HUNTER - Damned Soul
Screenshot of HELL HUNTER - Damned Soul
Screenshot of HELL HUNTER - Damned Soul
Screenshot of HELL HUNTER - Damned Soul
Screenshot of HELL HUNTER - Damned Soul
HELL HUNTER - Damned Soul

HELL HUNTER - Damned Soul

Provider Giovanni Debidda

Hell Hunter: Damned Soul is the frightful story of Elyon, a dhampir, the son of a vampire and a human.

In this sequel, The Damned Soul, the story of Eylon continues a few months after the previous chapter. Elyon is in Transylvania with his objective always clear in his mind, to slay Dracula, the Lord of Darkness.

This sequel has improvements and new features in the combat system including new gimmicks and AI enhancements.

The chapter also introduces the new relic system, and environmental gimmicks.

Follow Elyon in this sequel, I hope you are ready, because a new threat lurks within.

This is a horror adventure audiogame which features a real time battle system in which you attack and dodge enemy attacks and completely relies on stereo sound to hear where the attacks come from and how to dodge them. It's also story driven and uses a narrator voice for story and interactions.


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