More這個世界正在死去。 數百年前——「融蝕」悄然降臨,生命,理智,記憶,一切被人類賦予「意義」的東西,都在融蝕中被逐漸抹去存在過的痕跡。 而人們對此一無所知。 面對這隱秘而不可名狀的災厄,彌薩格大學作為為數不多的知情者之一,決意喚醒與災厄同源的力量,連結遊走在瘋狂邊緣的人形武器,來抵抗這一場浩大的危機。 如果一切終將被遺忘,你是否願意作為世界存在過的證明,背負秘密,一路前行? 墓碑為證,願銀鑰指引前路。 歡迎加入,守密人。 身處迷霧英倫,為存亡背負時代秘密 融蝕危機之中,優雅與力量如影隨形 自組卡牌陣容,喚醒災厄同源的祂們 Roguelite闖關,用策略揭開禁忌真相 單元式劇情,於破碎的世界中追尋真實
The game is pretty rewarding even though is available in Taiwan, I was able to download it via VPN.
I hope this game gets available on global.
also this game is play-wise similar to Reverse-1999 because of the cards, but that's the only thing and you can't combine the cards.
Also I hope to see more factions in the future than the: Vampire, Deep sea, Astral and Masked fools?(i hope i named them right).
That's everything for now. Start a new game?