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Moth Man
167 Views 03/31/2024
A very unique and challenging turn-based rpg gacha game. Exceptionally more difficult to play due to the language barrier, as the various cards have quite complex effects. This game is very much HP Lovecraft inspired, and I don't just mean tentacles. The 4 factions/types illustrate this well. The Purple Star (Prism?) faction is more Alien or mystical in their theme. One of the characters even being a star filled purple humanoid. Gameplay wise they focus on Deck manipulation, with a passive that allows for a whole extra turn/hand.
542 Views 12/01/2023
This is Best Roguelike Turn Base Strategy I played 2023💯👍💓
341 Views 12/16/2023
👎 Cons: my biggest complaint is pvp being pay to win Bro who the hell puts paid cards from battle pass in the pvp 😂 the pvp rewards are very good like 20 pulls and more but u always gonna face whales so good luck progressing 😂
348 Views 12/01/2023
Look like reverse :1999
25 Views 11/22/2023
141 Views 12/17/2023
畫風精美,有感人劇情(還要拿鼠鼠刀我),基本簡單上手,除了基本四紫角色其他都是金角(這樣起碼可以出沒那麼難受了?) 👎 缺點: 有對戰模式,暫時看來對戰平衡性不足,某些角色過分強勢 暫時看上去活動不多
That's everything for now. Start a new game?