Screenshot of Bright Oak
Screenshot of Bright Oak
Screenshot of Bright Oak
Screenshot of Bright Oak
Screenshot of Bright Oak
Screenshot of Bright Oak
Bright Oak

Bright Oak

Provider Butterfly Rocket Studios

Right Place. Wrong Time.
Seeking aid after a wreck, you stumble upon the quaint, tightly knit community of Bright Oak-- some 45 years outside of your intended travel plans, and struggling with their own troubles in the wake of a mysterious catastrophe. Finding a path back to your own timeline won’t be easy. Abandoning the townspeople to their fate might be even harder.features:
Nameable protagonist with choice of pronouns (she/he/they) and a mind of their own;Multiple branching routes in response to significant player choices; An ensemble of five primary characters, providing a variety of perspectives and alternate story paths;Gorgeous sprite art by Remnantation;A phenomenal original score by John Åhlin;Visual sensitivity and dyslexia-friendly gameplay options;Failure in the game is nearly impossible-- but success is far from assured!
Bright Oak is a heavily character-driven visual novel with elements of science fiction. Discover the tragic secrets behind Bright Oak’s preternatural dilemma; find friendship, or possibly love (characters are not gender-locked to pronoun choice, romance and friendship paths given equal weight); save the town and make your way home--and if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!Anticipated Full Release In Early 2024Demo Out Now!


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