Screenshot of Rats for Breakfast
Screenshot of Rats for Breakfast
Screenshot of Rats for Breakfast
Screenshot of Rats for Breakfast
Screenshot of Rats for Breakfast
Screenshot of Rats for Breakfast
Screenshot of Rats for Breakfast
Screenshot of Rats for Breakfast
Screenshot of Rats for Breakfast
Screenshot of Rats for Breakfast
Rats for Breakfast

Rats for Breakfast

Provider David Szymanski

The world ended years ago, in a fury of snow and ice: an apocalyptic blizzard born of unstoppable dark magic, wiping all traces of life from the face of the earth.

A small pocket of humanity survived, safe in the upper floors of a tall stone tower, protected by a network of arcane mechanisms and enchantments. They have lived in the top half of the tower for generations, eating rats, nurturing trees for firewood, and fearing to stray from the traditions established by their ancestors. The lower half, however... abandoned since long before anyone can remember.

Now, something in the lower half is failing. Some spell or machine. And the protections around the tower are starting to weaken.

Something in the lower half is also singing. Horrible singing. Drunken singing. As if the throat were sawed open and the lungs torn apart...

Rats for Breakfast is a surreal, narrative-driven, gameplay-fueled horror game from the developer of DUSK, Fingerbones, The Moon Sliver, The Music Machine, and A Wolf in Autumn. Interact with memorable characters, repair enchanted machinery, eat rats, and face whatever lurks below...


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