Screenshot of Simple CEO
Screenshot of Simple CEO
Screenshot of Simple CEO
Screenshot of Simple CEO
Screenshot of Simple CEO
Screenshot of Simple CEO
Simple CEO

Simple CEO

Provider Madowl Games

In Simple CEO you build a business empire by controlling the flow of money and profits through your businesses. Every week you choose a new business to place into your ever expanding web of financial gain. Each business has different stats, from the amount of money a business needs before it pays out to the amount of days it takes to move money on.

Dabble in illicit businesses. The lure of increased profits and more efficient business is ever present however money will become tainted and infect your legitimate operations. The chance the authorities will locate and shut down any business with tainted money exists every week.

Simple CEO is a rogue-lite, each enterprise run will be different. You must hit your targets each quarter to stay in the game but as you progress the targets will get increasingly difficult to reach. Profit lies ahead!


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