Screenshot of Block Hunter
Screenshot of Block Hunter
Screenshot of Block Hunter
Screenshot of Block Hunter
Screenshot of Block Hunter
Screenshot of Block Hunter
Block Hunter

Block Hunter

Provider Mongoose Studio

"Block Hunter is a music rhythm game that combines party game, online competitions, and maybe rogue lite genes,and one more thing..."

"Give me the mic,mic-check,1,2,3...

Okay,listen up,folks:

As everyone knows,the BLOCK Galaxy is the motherlode of Block storage in the Cosmos. But it's also a hot zone for the Block Pirates who love causing chaos and looting. That's why we got a bunch of Block Hunter volunteers going to take down those infamous Block pirates. The pirate cargo ships are filled with piles of loot and powerful weapons, Although each hunt is both dangerous and thrilling, the rich reward and glorious leaderboard make everyone want to take their chance for themselves, um... I mean,of course,All for the glory of the BLOCK Galaxy.

- Endless hunting experience (you'd stick it out)

- Groovy beats(More and more updates in the future)

- Mystery perks (You deserve it)

- Ranking competition(Not vanity)

- Local multi-user login(compete your family or Friends)


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