Screenshot of The Devil's Typist
Screenshot of The Devil's Typist
Screenshot of The Devil's Typist
Screenshot of The Devil's Typist
Screenshot of The Devil's Typist
Screenshot of The Devil's Typist
The Devil's Typist

The Devil's Typist

Provider QZQ Studio

The Devil's Typist
This keyboard game utilizes most of the keys on the keyboard to eliminate letters that appear on the screen. When the player's "health" is depleted, it automatically drops down a level, and reaching the "score" goal results in advancing a level. The game doesn't have a definitive end and can continue endlessly, but the difficulty increases over time.

The game is played by using keyboard keys to hit objects on the screen, earning points. When the score reaches a certain value, the player will level up to the next stage. Higher levels mean faster speed and more objects. As the levels increase, various different power-ups and items will appear. The game continues indefinitely, with unlimited levels.


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