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14 Views 04/28/2024
Hey there. All in all a stress free almost boringly easy game with a nice open world yet not much to do. No open buildings and the fighting is absolutely awful since there's no blocking, no evading or similar. Just mashing buttons. Means you have to look what level you are I guess which then could lead to pay to win mechanics? It's offline playable so it should be possible to avoid it but it's not worth playing for me at least. I rather play something like RAVENS WORLD 2, SHADOW LANDS (I think it's called like that) or STEEL AND FLESH 2. Or directly morrowind.
Jona PocketGamer
54 Views 03/28/2024
It all started off well. Once I got over the annoyance of not being able to select the color black for my character's hair (even though black was among the options), everything was going smoothly. But but but, then came a little mission that ruined everything. At a specific moment, you have to kill four wolves. I easily killed three, but the fourth wolf was immortal. There's no other way to describe it. No matter how much I attacked it with my sword, the wolf never died... And not only that: it killed my horse like six times and my character just as many. Frustrated, I decided to close the game, clear the app cache (I don't know if this witchcraft works), and start again. The result was even worse. One of the three wolves I had already killed was alive again and... Guess what... It was also impossible to defeat. I got tired and uninstalled it. Anyway, I don't like to criticize games negatively because often there's a dedicated team behind them, but Knight RPG is a headache.
That's everything for now. Start a new game?