Screenshot of MouseWorld
Screenshot of MouseWorld
Screenshot of MouseWorld
Screenshot of MouseWorld
Screenshot of MouseWorld


Provider SkillTouch Studio

Welcome adventurer

You wake up with only one memory: that of a magician casting a spell on you, transforming you into a rat. This creature, which you used to despise in your old life, is now what you have become. Fortunately, you are not alone in this particular situation. A whole community has formed, with its rivalries, wars, and its own history.Set off on an adventure
In this RPG, you can explore a vast world, embark on adventures, encounter other humans who, like you, have been transformed into rats, and help them by fulfilling their requests. Explore dungeons or go shopping in various villages filled with rats. But be careful, dangers lurk, and in your old life, a kick was enough to kill small creatures, but now they will be formidable adversaries.Craft, Build, Harvest
During your adventure, you will need to use the resources around you to craft weapons and armor for yourself. The environment is filled with items to collect, from the smallest tree branch to animal hides. With all these resources, you can also build your own base and create a makeshift shelter to spend the night or hide from humans.


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