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Sword of Justice, (Global)
8.9K Views 03/13/2024
Cat Sausage
Couple pose from Sword of Justice
3K Views 03/14/2024
首先这是一个免费游戏 但是运营比点卡游戏还良心 不肝不氪 仅此一家 没有p2w 全靠外观赚钱 即使如此 商场里还是有0元的衣服 1块,3块,6块,28块,68块288块的衣服 走的是亲民低价路线 即使如此 这款游戏活动还会产出大量代金卷 而且可以叠加使用。想象一下50+15块钱的代金卷购买68元的时装 只需要三块钱拿下的爽快 即使如此 每次出288的时装都会送半价卷 基本等于144块钱(折合20美元)附赠头像 单人动作 双人动作 或者饰品 MVP动画等。 除此之外基本没有属性上的收费项目。 支持同性结婚 玩法上智能ai npc:大量融入了ai玩法 城镇里有大量ai可交互npc 可以和他们对话 交朋友 结拜收徒 甚至以后还能结为夫妻 可以像他们索要物品 他们还会给你介绍其他玩家作为好友 邀请你去他家做客 但是不要对他态度太差 他们对你是有记忆的。 npc和npc之间会产生摩擦 可能会打架 吵架 你可以介入他们劝和或者加入打架战斗 当然你如果打杀npc会被捕快通缉哦。
378 Views 03/20/2024
61 Views 03/22/2024
I played China version. Please add CİS Region ♥️
CD Mill
170 Views 03/17/2024
ofc it's netease, one of those companies who proceed to ruin their games in matter months. Don't recommend at all, once you get attached to this game, just so you know it won't last long as they tend to ruin it, turning it into repetitive and filthy cash-grab game, completing taking your money and shutting the servers down later on.
59 Views 03/13/2024
I like this game very much, good graphics and storyline for me. I am very happy that going global.:)
12 Views 03/25/2024
I am wait until release🤩🤩🤩
17 Views 03/17/2024
Can't wait to play
Gamer King
5 Views 05/02/2024
Release this game fast
28 Views 05/04/2024
Can't wait to play it🥺
That's everything for now. Start a new game?