Screenshot of Call Center Tycoon
Screenshot of Call Center Tycoon
Screenshot of Call Center Tycoon
Screenshot of Call Center Tycoon
Screenshot of Call Center Tycoon
Screenshot of Call Center Tycoon
Screenshot of Call Center Tycoon
Call Center Tycoon

Call Center Tycoon

Provider zedzag

Take your Call Center to the top!Ever wanted to manage your own call center? This is your chance! Climb up the ladder by grabbing customers from your competitors.
Manage Employees Stress LevelsThis game is all about managemnet (no build mode). To be the best you will need to get the best out of your employees. A happy worker is a productive worker, an unhappy worker on the other hand....
Make Key DecisionsEach decision you make will have knock on effects that can either help you be more profitable or keep your workers happy (at a cost!)Hire and Fire EmployeesMake sure you hire the right people as each worker's can either build chemistry or lead to disaster.


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