Screenshot of a doctor's term
Screenshot of a doctor's term
Screenshot of a doctor's term
Screenshot of a doctor's term
Screenshot of a doctor's term
a doctor's term

a doctor's term

Provider Council of Pure Sanity

Step into the shoes of Dr Vincent Batten, who takes on his new role at the Ministry of Health of the Fifth Republic. Known as a care center for mentally unstable patients, you will find yourself curious, yet intimidated behind the walls of this facility. In times when the republic is characterized by unrest and riots, it is all the more honourable to tackle such a task.
Your family must be proud!

a doctor's term is a story-heavy walking sim featuring stunning environments, thought-provoking narrative and an original soundtrack composed by Manolis Kalpenidis.

A confidential adventure where freedom of choice may be bigger than anticipated.
Observe your patients, test new samples on them, follow your orders!
Are you ready for the job?


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