Screenshot of Melting Encyclopedia
Screenshot of Melting Encyclopedia
Screenshot of Melting Encyclopedia
Screenshot of Melting Encyclopedia
Screenshot of Melting Encyclopedia
Melting Encyclopedia

Melting Encyclopedia

Provider Ivanka Wolpman

Embark on a journey across the mind in Melting Encyclopedia, a 3D 2-DOF+ exploration game where reality bends to your curiosity.
Unravel the mysteries of existence by venturing into conceptual dimensions, each unlike anything you've ever experienced. Navigate vibrant, thought-provoking landscapes while your dimensional battery recharges.Key Features:
Explore diverse, conceptual dimensions: Each world presents unique visuals, themes, and puzzles.
Charge your battery, unlock interactions: Click and interact with objects and characters as your battery regenerates.
Unravel thought-provoking narratives: Uncover hidden stories and ponder deeper meanings behind each dimension.
Challenge your perspective: Engage with complex themes and ethical dilemmas in a playful yet thought-provoking way.
Immersive 3D environment: Explore vibrant landscapes and interact with the world in full 3D.


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