Screenshot of Defence of the Arcane Realms
Screenshot of Defence of the Arcane Realms
Screenshot of Defence of the Arcane Realms
Screenshot of Defence of the Arcane Realms
Screenshot of Defence of the Arcane Realms
Screenshot of Defence of the Arcane Realms
Defence of the Arcane Realms

Defence of the Arcane Realms

Provider Levelhead Interactive

Fight off hordes of orks using a combination of magical powers and constructing defensive towers!

Unleash your magical potential with classic spells such as Fireball to burn your enemies to a crisp, or send them back from where they came with Wind Blast! These can be used to deal a lot of damage in a little time, or even to buy you some time when things are getting too hectic!

Defend your base with towers, from crossbows to cannons to flamers you must decide where and when to place each of these in order to maximize their utility or killing potential.

Adapt - The level layouts may look the same when replaying, but the waves are partially randomized, so focusing your defences in one area may work the first time but you may need to sell and move your towers around to meet the threats.

The orcs are cunning, and have constructed siege weapons that may tear down some of your weaker walls, leaving you exposed! Don't forget to cover all angles, and above all else, secure the center of your base!

The undead are quite durable and tend to come back even after they are slain! They often use dark magic to weaken their enemies - that would be you.

The bandits value nothing more than personal gain, and they will ransack your towers, and base, stealing your resources!

The game currently has 5 levels in the first "section" which is the grasslands, but there are 2 sections in development and coming soon - the desert wasteland and the snowy mountains!

**UPDATE** There are now 5 levels and a final "boss" level in the grasslands, 4/6 levels have been created for the Mountains and 2/6 levels have been created for the Desert Wastelands!


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