Screenshot of Anno 1701 History Edition
Screenshot of Anno 1701 History Edition
Screenshot of Anno 1701 History Edition
Screenshot of Anno 1701 History Edition
Screenshot of Anno 1701 History Edition
Anno 1701 History Edition

Anno 1701 History Edition

Provider Ubisoft Mainz

Rediscover the classic gameplay of the first 3D Anno game, Anno 1701, and its expansion The Sunken Dragon in this History Edition, updated and optimized to work smoothly on current computers.

The Sunken Dragon expansion for Anno 1701 features a new campaign spanning 11 missions, new opponents, and ornaments.

Your cities look better than ever, thanks to resolutions all the way up to 4K.

The History Edition provides an updated and expanded multiplayer functionality.

Enjoy all improvements while continuing your existing game, thanks to full save compatibility.

Take advantage of improvements like borderless window mode and multi-screen support.

This edition also offers bonus content includes soundtrack and a wallpaper, as well as a company logo for Anno 1800.


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