Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Screenshot of Jesus Christ Simulator
Jesus Christ Simulator

Jesus Christ Simulator

Provider Luke Grayson

'Jesus Christ Simulator' is a new take on the 'Superhero Simulator' game genre.
The game immerses you in a huge American City, where you are tasked by God with fixing the broken, inhumane system that humans have been forced to live in.

You will help end humanity's suffering, and use your Powers to bring light back to the world.

You will bring untold joy to people's lives.
Pay off people's debts, furnish them with a car, bless people with perfect health, and much more...

Armed with Unlimited Miracles, Flight & Superpowers, you can use your powers to change the world, to help people, to save lives, and to destroy the systems that enslave them.

But beware, there are demons everywhere...

You are humanity's last hope!

One person's superhero simulator passion project!
(Please excuse any bugs, still fleshing them out.)


Storyline thus far:

The year is 2024. God misses his children.

So He sends Jesus Christ down to Earth, to bring the souls of all His children up to Heaven.

To His horror, Jesus finds a world wrought with pain and misery.

Mankind has been broken by the greed and the injustice of the powerful.

The poor are treated like dogs.
The sick cannot afford medicine.
Corporations have enslaved humanity through generational debt.

Blind greed has halted progress, and placed humankind in the New Dark Ages.

Jesus is enraged by the cruelty of this world.
So He decides to do something about it...


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