Star Shogun
First Fire Studio
MoreStar Shogun is a first person sci-fi colony building game with economy management and vehicle combat. We've got a touch of RTS, a touch of 4X, and lots and lots of mech on mech action!Welcome to Star Shogun! As the newest hire of the rapacious Komodo Corp. you'll be deployed to planets, moons, and orbital installations throughout the Kohanga Cluster: an open star cluster colonized by humans centuries ago. You'll need to establish your base, manage your resources, and keep an eye on aggressive locals and competing corporate interests, and by keep and eye we mean deploy an army of mechs and crush your enemies under your iron boot.About The Game The game is experienced through the first person perspective. Each mission is fairly short with a repeating game loop of building up your base and juggling resources between economic expansion, tiering up production, and building units and defenses. The game is singleplayer PvE so you're going to have to stay busy: interacting with your buildings, exploring the map, and ordering around your units. There is no all powerful UI that handles everything. Strategy & Combat Although you can automate your units and issue them basic orders it's much more fun to jump into a mech yourself and lead your troops into battle. Vehicle fighting means managing your power, armor, and ammunition. Retreat back to base to replace armor panels, repair your vehicle, reload ammo, and even customize your loadout. All provided your base has the infrastructure in place to support these operations!Economy Management Wu is the currency of the Cluster and nothing in the Cluster is free. Although Komodo Corp provides you with a stipend and performance bonuses you'll want to boost your Wu income as soon as possible. Got your eye on a Hydroponics Facility? Getting into the Juice business is a great choice for generating Wu but you'll need some extra build power to expand past basic structures, not to mention organics to get your grow operations going. Bigger buildings need metal too as do mechs and ammunition. The good news is that as the resource needs and logistical complexity of your operations grows, so to does the power and utility of your buildings.About The Developer Hi, name is Alex. Star Shogun is my solo dev project. The game is very much a work in progress, with improvements and additions almost every day. I've been working on this since UE5 came out a couple of years back and certainly have no plans on stopping (having way too much fun). The game is currently being playtested with a demo out soon. Please drop me a line if you'd like to get involved.What's next? The demo will feature one playable level. The plan is to hit Steam Next Fest in October and then release an early access version soon after with a half dozen maps and additional buildings, vehicles, weapons, and game mechanics. What's coming down the pipe for the early access version and beyond? Big picture as far as base building goes Tier2 is pretty much complete. Tier3 is well under construction but the demo will not allow you to build the Daimyo Residence (Tier3 construction hub). As far as mechs we've got two more ready to go: the Panther and the Victor. There is also a Tier1 unit: the MOBE Suit (CUBE deployable, same class as the Crab Tank) which will have some logistics/base management functionality that is lacking at the moment. Perhaps more importantly there are additional weapons ready to get out the door too. Right now we've got Autocannons, Rotaries, and Lasers all in several size classes. Next up is expanding on the artillery class, infantry has the 40mm Grenade Launcher but there are no larger equivalents. Prepare to get your lob on. Also missiles are on the way too from the Lawyer infantry rocket, the Hex launcher secondary weapon, all the way to big primary weapon Rocket pods. Lots more on the to-do list.
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