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Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
Bonaparte - A Mechanized Revolution Game Screenshot
MoreDemo available now!Get a taste of the 1789 French revolution!With the Early Access launch coming soon, we have assembled this carefully curated demo that will allow you to get a glimpse of what the full game will offer. This demo offers about 20 to 30 minutes of gameplay and focuses on the Bastille’s tactical assault and its strategic aftermath:Side with the masses and lead the Bastille’s assault.Join Lafayette and the Moderates, or Robespierre and the Jacobins (the royalist faction is locked in the demo).Recruit new battalions and officers to expand your territory and take control of the country.Have fascinating political discussions with famous historical figures like Lafayette, Robespierre, Danton and more!Witness the escalating tension between the King and the revolutionaries in story events heavily inspired by actual history.The full game will include the following key features:All three major factions unlocked.National convention (propose & pass laws to reform to political landscape)Colossi factory (build new models to dominate the battlefield).Full population simulation (develop support, influence the main demographic groups, and secure your seats in the next elections).New battle arenas, building variations, historical events, and more to come!Average time per playthrough is around 15-20 hours.Wishlist the game now and join our Discord community to receive dev updates, and impact the game’s development by sharing your ideas and feedback with the team. Thank you for your support, we hope you enjoy this demo. About the Game1789, Paris. Take Napoleon’s place in an alternate history as Céline or César Bonaparte in this ideology driven, turn-based strategy journey. Defend, reform or oppose the monarchy and write your own alternative history by combining cunning political skills and tactical military prowess. LEAD OR OPPOSE THE REVOLUTION THAT CHANGED THE WESTERN WORLDPlay as an alternate Bonaparte and rewrite History by fighting for your ideals. Choose to defend the King, reform the monarchy, or embrace the revolution. MASTER MECHANIZED TACTICAL BATTLESRecruit soldiers, construct mighty Colossi, improve your armies and face your opponents on the battlefield in tense turn-based combat. Outmaneuver the enemy on the battlefield, and exploit their weaknesses to prevail against all odds. MANIPULATE AN INTRICATE POLITICAL SYSTEMJoin, fight or overthrow famous historical characters and factions brought to life in a political simulation. Military might alone cannot insure victory, and your ability to navigate the complex political landscape will be an essential tool to reshape France to match your ideals. JOIN THE COMMUNITY & STEER THE GAME PRODUCTIONWishlist the game and join our Discord community HUB where you will be able to track the game's production and impact its development. Share your feedback & ideas, report bugs, and help us craft the best strategy game.

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